
KKL-JNF Forest Data – 2019-2020

Extent of Forested Areas Managed by KKL-JNF*

KKL-JNF Forested Area Types

May 2020

Site type / Species group Area (hectares) Percentage
Pine and mixed conifers 39,890 33.8%
Cypress 3,155 2.7%
Other conifers 152 0.1%
Mixed: conifers and broad-leaved 4,695 4.0%
Total: conifers 47,894 40.6%
Acclimatized broad-leaved** 15,926 13.5%
Native broad-leaved 5,986 5.1%
Plantations*** 4,563 3.9%
Native woodland*** 24,171 20.5%
Shrubs and miscellaneous plants 702 0.6%
Total broad-leaved Total broad-leaved 43.5%
Others**** 6,123 5.2%
Total afforested area 105,365 89.2%
Roads & Firebreaks 3,810 3.2%
New sites being planted****** 320 0.3%
Open areas****** 8,562 7.3%
Total Forest Area 118,057 100%


*KKL-JNF manages additional areas according to detailed forest plans. However, the information and records are still not sufficiently organized to calculate their distribution.

**Plantation areas include mainly olive, carob and date palm groves.

****Includes sites in which shrublands (garrigue and batha) are more dominant than native woodlands. It is roughly estimated that these shrublands – only the ones mentioned here – can reach an area of about 11,800 hectares.

*****Including experimental plots and extremely sparse plots.

******The planted area noted here is still not final. The area relates only to new plantings, i.e. sites that were given over to KKL-JNF for planting for the first time.

*******Areas with little or no vegetation at all + areas in which the vegetation is mainly herbaceous.

KKL-JNF Forested Area Types

2019 Plantings

Region District New Plantings (ha) Forest Renewal (ha) Total Area (ha)
North Upper Galilee - Golan Heights 0.5 45.5 46.1
North Western Galilee - Mt. Carmel 0 38.2 38.2
North Lower Galilee - Gilboa 1 97.8 98.7
North Total 1.5 182 183
Center Coastal Plain - Inner Plain 1.4 19.8 21.2
Center Mountains 31.7 0 31.7
Center Menashe-Sharon 0 0 0
Center Total 33.1 19.8 52.9
South Northern Negev 0 66 66
South Western Negev 114 113 226
South Negev Highlands - Arava 206 2 208
South Total 320 181 501
Grand Total 355 382 737



Source: Regional mapping and information and regional survey teams.

KKL-JNF Regional Forests and Natural Vegetation, Grouped by Age

May 2020

Region Age - in years per planted area Total planted area (ha) Total area - natural vegetation (ha)** Total
1-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 over 50 unknown*
North 1,968 2,532 5,303 4,526 2,821 9,407 2,507 29,066 8,114 37,181
Center 587 1,513 5,986 2,854 3,122 11,181 590 25,921 11,429 37,350
South 4,022 3,375 4,989 3,879 3,534 6,406 1.1 26,206 4,629 30,835
Total 6,576 7,420 16,278 11,262 9,566 26,994 3,098 81,194 24,171 105,365

*Mainly mixed formations or very old plantations, for which there is no information regarding planting year.
**Does not include annual and perennial herbaceous vegetation, only shrubland (garrigue and batha) and native woodlands.